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15 January 2021 : Review article  

Alterations in Cerebral Hemodynamics During Microgravity: A Literature Review

Jichen Du1ADE*, Jiangbo Cui2BC, Jing Yang1D, Peifu Wang1B, Lvming Zhang1D, Bin Luo1BDF, Bailin Han1E

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.928108

Med Sci Monit 2021; 27:e928108

Table 1 Impact of simulated or actual microgravity on intracranial pressure.

AuthorsnExperimental protocolConclusion
Kermorgant et al. []16 123 days of DI3 days of DI, induced an enlarged ONSD, a surrogate value for estimated ICP
Mader et al. []21 16 months of spaceflightAfter returned to earth, ICP elevated to 22 mmHg and remained high for a period of time
Avan et al. []22 40Parabolic flightModerate increased ICP during microgravity
Lawley et al. []19 8Parabolic flight and 24 h −6° HDBRHDBR does not progressively increase ICP, but microgravity does prevent the normal lowering of ICP when upright
Arbeille et al. []23 102 h of DIDue to large individual variability, no substantial changes in ICP have been observed
ICP – intracranial pressure; ONSD – optic nerve sheath diameter; DI – dry immersion; ISS – international space station; HDBR – head-down bed rest.

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