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15 January 2021 : Review article  

Alterations in Cerebral Hemodynamics During Microgravity: A Literature Review

Jichen Du1ADE*, Jiangbo Cui2BC, Jing Yang1D, Peifu Wang1B, Lvming Zhang1D, Bin Luo1BDF, Bailin Han1E

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.928108

Med Sci Monit 2021; 27:e928108

Table 3 Impact of simulated or actual microgravity on cerebrovascular autoregulation.

AuthorsnExperimental protocolConclusion
Blaber et al. []3 278–16 days of spaceflightA mismatch of cerebral blood flow with blood pressure has been noticed and it may be the cause of presyncope
Pavy-Le et al. []55 87-day of −6° HDBRNo major changes found in cerebral autoregulation responses. Nevertheless, the association between cerebral autoregulatory responses and orthostatic intolerance has been noticed
Jeong et al. []51 2118-day of −6° HDBRCA was preserved or improved after HDBR. Furthermore, changes in plasma volume may play an important role in CBF regulation
Iwasaki et al. []31 61–2 week of spaceflightCA was preserved, even improved by short-duration spaceflight. This could be attributed to raising responsiveness of cerebral vascular smooth muslce to changes of transmural pressure
Kermorgant et al. []57 1221-day of HDBRDynamic CA was improved after 21-day of HDBR
Kermorgant et al. []16 123-day of DICA was improved, however, a persistent elevation ICP favours poor CA recovery after 3 days of DI
Kurazumi et al. []53 154 bouts 10-min of −10° HDBR/supine combined with placebo/COThe combination of mild hypercapnia and HDBR attenuated dynamic cerebral autoregulation
CA – cerebrovascular autoregulation; DI – dry immersion; ICP – intracranial pressure; HDBR – head-down bed rest.

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