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03 January 2021 : Clinical Research  

Co-Infection with Common Respiratory Pathogens and SARS-CoV-2 in Patients with COVID-19 Pneumonia and Laboratory Biochemistry Findings: A Retrospective Cross-Sectional Study of 78 Patients from a Single Center in China

Man-Ling Tang1ABCDEF, Yue-Qiu Li2BCDF, Xiang Chen1BCDF, Hui Lin1BCD, Zhong-Chun Jiang2BCD, Dai-Li Gu2BCD, Xun Chen2BCF, Cai-Xi Tang2ACDF, Zhi-Qin Xie2ABCDEFG*

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.929783

Med Sci Monit 2021; 27:e929783

Table 1 Comparisons of clinical characteristics between co-infected and mono-infected COVID-19 patients with univariate analysis.

TotalMonoinfection groupCoinfection groupP value
 Male41 (52.6%)35 (52.2%)6 (54.5%)
 Female37 (47.4%)32 (47.8%)5 (45.5%)
 ≤205 (6.4%)4 (6.0%)1 (9.1%)
 21–4024 (30.8%)20 (29.9%)4 (36.4%)
 41–6028 (35.9%)24 (35.8%)4 (36.4%)
 >6021 (26.9%)19 (28.4%)2 (18.2%)
66 (84.6%)58 (86.6%)8 (72.7%)0.377
 Fever56 (71.8%)47 (70.1%)9 (81.8%)0.425
 Cough62 (79.5%)53 (79.1%)9 (81.8%)0.836
 Expectoration39 (50%)34 (50.7%)5 (45.5%)0.745
 Fatigue36 (46.2%)28 (41.8%)8 (72.7%)0.056
 Shortness of breath25 (32.1%)23 (34.3%)2 (18.2%)0.288
 Chest tightness7 (9.0%)6 (9.0%)1 (9.1%)0.988
 Chest pain3 (3.8%)2 (3.0%)1 (9.1%)0.370
 Diarrhea13 (16.7%)12 (17.9%)1 (9.1%)0.467
 Muscular soreness18 (23.1%)16 (23.9%)2 (18.2%)0.678
 Body temperature (°C)37.3 (36.7–38.5)37.4 (36.7–38.5)37.3 (36.8–39.1)0.714
 Blood oxygen saturation level (%)98.0 (96.0–98.0)98.0 (96.0–98.0)98.0 (95.5–98.0)0.749
 Pulse rate (beats/min)88.2±10.887.6±11.192.0±8.30.588
 Respiratory rate (breaths/min)20 (20–20)20 (20–20)20 (20–25)0.921
78 (100.0%)67 (100.0%)11 (100.0%)0.467
 Ground-glass opacity (GGO)65 (83.3%)55 (82.1%)10 (90.9%)
 No obvious abnormalities13 (16.7%)12 (17.9%)1 (9.1%)
 Diabetes8 (10.3%)7 (10.4%)1 (9.1%)0.891
 Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases19 (24.4%)17 (25.4%)2 (18.2%)0.607
 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)6 (7.7%)6 (9.0%)0 (0.0%)0.586
 Chronic liver disease6 (7.7%)5 (7.5%)1 (9.1%)1.000
 Mildly group8 (10.3%)6 (9.0%)2 (18.2%)
 Moderately group59 (75.6%)52 (77.6%)7 (63.6%)
 Severely/critically group11 (14.1%)9 (13.4%)2 (18.2%)
4.0 (2.0–6.0)4.0 (2.8–7.0)3.0 (1.5–4.0)0.173
13 (11–20)14 (10–21)13 (12–14)0.205
Quantitative variables are expressed as median (interquartile range) or mean±standard deviation; categorical variables are expressed as frequencies (percentages);CT – computerized tomography.

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Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750
Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750