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07 February 2022 : Clinical Research  

Comparison of Postoperative Pain in 70 Women with Breast Cancer Following General Anesthesia for Mastectomy with and without Serratus Anterior Plane Nerve Block

Binggao Chai12ACDEFG, Hongmei Yu3BCDF, Yafen Qian2B, Xiaoli Chen2B, Zhenqiang Zhu2BCD, Jianlong Du2BCD, Xianhui Kang1ADEF*, Shengmei Zhu1ADEF

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.934064

Med Sci Monit 2022; 28:e934064

Table 3 Postoperative hemodynamic variables, hs-CRP and blood glucose.

GroupNumber of casesMAP (mmHg)HR (bpm)hs-CRP (mg/L)Blood glucose (mmol/L)
Before skin incisionAfter skin incisionBefore skin incisionAfter skin incisionPre-operativePost-operative 3 hPre-operativePost-operative 3 h
Group S3282.6±9.487.3±9.874.2±8.575.5±6.32.1±3.12.4±4.25.9± 1.66.8±1.7
Group G3386.3±7.898.9±7.876.2±7.384.7±8.22.57±2.378.75±8.126.0±1.68.1±2.9
Data are presented as mean±standard deviation, or number of patients. hs-CRP – high-sensitivity C-reactive protein.

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Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750
Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750