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27 December 2021 : Clinical Research  

A Retrospective Single-Center Study of 23 Patients to Compare Gait Before and After Total Hip Arthroplasty Using the S-ROM Modular Hip System

Jacqueline Bahr1BCDEF, Dietmar Rosental2C, Tim Classen3E, Sonja Krebs1E, Marcus Jäger4AG*

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.934558

Med Sci Monit 2021; 27:e934558

Table 2 Kinematics of the pelvis and the hip joint.

PreOP (n=23)PostOP (n=23)Control (n=39)Opposite side preOP (n=23)Opposite side postOP (n=23)p1p2p3p4p5p6p7p8
Maximum anteversion21.92 (8.95)18,78 (7.25)12.62 (4.36)22.19 (9.01)18.82 (7.00)0.0680.0820.7330.052
Minimum anteversion14.62 (6.97)13.84 (6.36)10.76 (4.30)14.76 (6.92)14.01 (6.25)0.7150.2600.1140.761
Pelvic tilt in sagittal plane7.30 (4.48)4.93 (2.35)1.85 (0.87)7.43 (4.47)4.81 (2.12)0.3060.249
Maximum „up”2.21 (4.56)3.48 (3.91)4.32 (1.11)3.27 (4.39)2.75 (3.05)0.1720.1360.6850.7330.1270.605
Minimum „up”−3.62 (4.43)−2.69 (3.03)−4.28 (1.06)−2.81 (5.04)−3.45 (3.75)0.4690.2870.7610.5920.3100.3540.412
Pelvic tilt in frontal plane5.82 (2.88)6.17 (2.83)8.60 (2.16)6.08 (2.95)6.2 (2.83)0.3940.0520.6610.738
Maximum „forward”4.62 (5.17)6.34 (4.33)5.22 (2.55)5.43 (4.88)5.71 (4.36)0.3030.2460.1070.7580.7330.7390.7500.484
Minimum „forward”−4.86 (5.11)−4.00 (3.90)−4.75 (2.39)−4.81 (4.80)−5.52 (4.28)0.6960.7840.4840.7580.6610.6750.2970.429
Pelvic tilt in transversal plane9.48 (4.88)11.32 (3.70)9.97 (4.90)10.25 (4.73)11.24 (3.65)0.7950.2120.0520.8840.8170.2340.153
Maximum flexion32.53 (9.50)34.34 (10.21)35.85 (5.56)41.81 (11.41)37.44 (9.78)0.4700.2970.3940.1230.0750.8510.068
Minimum flexion7.26 (15.09)1.20 (11.10)−7.76 (4.10)−0.02 (11.66)−2.26 (11.35)0.648
Range of motion25.27 (9.93)33.14 (8.55)43.61 (4.78)41.83 (10.59)39.70 (8.53)0.3690.0620.101
Maximum adduction1.37 (5.20)3.62 (5.51)4.75 (2.18)5.01 (4.96)4.00 (3.89)0.2770.0590.1280.9100.8740.8620.412
Minimum adduction−4.09 (5.22)−3.53 (4.22)−6.14 (2.22)−3.04 (5.72)−3.41 (5.5)0.2120.6930.7610.9100.543
Range of motion5.43 (2.83)7.15 (2.80)10.89 (2.02)8.05 (4.07)7.41 (3.51)0.0110.0040.6850.260
Maximum internal rotation0.96 (11.13)−0.22 (11.16)6.05 (4.78)−1.03 (8.74)0.19 (11.45)0.6270.7150.8180.0560.447
Minimum internal rotation−17.84 (1.88)−18.73 (9.95)−7.18 (5.29)−21.00 (11.44)−21.24 (10.73)0.6050.4650.2910.808
Range of motion18.80 6.6118.52 7.7913.23 (3.90)19.97 (5.54)21.431 (7.37)0.9030.5030.3380.465
PreOP – preoperative; postOP – postoperative. p-value preoperative in comparison with healthy control group (Mann-Whitney-U Test); p-value for the test postoperative in comparison with control group (Mann-Whitney-U Test); p-value for test preoperative in comparison with postoperative (Wilcoxon Test); p-value for test preoperative in comparison with opposite side (Mann-Whitney-U Test); p-value test postoperative in comparison with opposite side (Mann-Whitney-U Test); p-value for test opposite side preoperative in comparison with control group (Mann-Whitney-U Test); p-value for test opposite side postoperative in comparison with control group (Mann-Whitney-U Test); p-value for test opposite side preoperative in comparison with opposite side postoperative (Wilcoxon Test).

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