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30 December 2021 : Clinical Research  

Retrospective Study of Outcomes and Hospitalization Rates of Patients in Italy with a Confirmed Diagnosis of Early COVID-19 and Treated at Home Within 3 Days or After 3 Days of Symptom Onset with Prescribed and Non-Prescribed Treatments Between November 2020 and August 2021

Serafino Fazio1ABDEF, Paolo Bellavite2AE*, Elisabetta Zanolin3CD, Peter A. McCullough ORCID logo4DE, Sergio Pandolfi5AD, Flora Affuso6ABF

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.935379

Med Sci Monit 2021; 27:e935379

Table 1 General characteristics of the study groups.

Variable*Group 1 (n=85)Group 2 (n=73)p value**
Age, yrs.47.14±13.4545.29±11.540.359
Females, n (%)48 (56.5)36 (49.3)0.369
Weight, Kg75.0 [44.0; 140.0]76.0 [50.0; 135.0]0.676
BMI, (Kg/m)25.16 [15.5; 56.2]24.38 [20.5; 52.7]0.404
Saturation at 1 visit, %97.0 [94.0; 99.0]97.0 [94.0; 99.0]0.503
Hypertension, n (%)24 (28.23)15 (20.55)0.263
Diabetes Mellitus, n (%)8 (9.41)10 (13.69)0.397
IHD6 (7.05)4 (5.47)0.684
Temperature >37°C, n (%)63 (74.1)55 (75.3)0.859
Temperature, mean (°C)37.42±0.6137.29±0.43
Headache, n (%)58 (68.23)50 (68.49)0.972
Osteomuscular pain, n (%)59 (69.41)51 (69.86)0.950
Rhinitis, n (%)62 (72.94)54 (73.97)0.883
Sore throat, n (%)60 (70.58)51 (69.86)0.921
Cough, n (%)63 (74.11)54 (73.97)0.983
Taste and/or smell alterations, n (%)42 (49.41)36 (49.31)0.941
Bellyache, diarrhea, n (%)32 (37.64)26 (35.61)0.791
Pleural pain, n (%)18 (21.17)17 (23.28)0.750
* Continuous variables are summarized as median [minimum; maximum] or mean±standard deviation, as appropriate; discrete variables are summarized as absolute number (percentage).
BMI – body mass index; IHD – ischemic heart disease.
** T-test for continuous variables and χ or Fisher exact test (as appropriate) for categorical variables.
, statistically significant results.

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Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750