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24 December 2022 : Clinical Research  

Single-Center Study in Lithuania to Evaluate the Role of Transthoracic Impedance Cardiography in the Diagnosis and Outcome Evaluation of 301 Patients with Chronic Heart Failure Exacerbation

Andrius Ališauskas1ABCDEFG*, Albinas Naudžiūnas1ACDEFG, Saulius Sadauskas ORCID logo1ABCDEF, Laima Jankauskienė1ACDE, Eglė Kalinauskienė1ACDE, Giedrė Vanagaitė2BCDE

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.938389

Med Sci Monit 2022; 28:e938389

Table 6 The physical examination, laboratory, and instrumental test data comparison between deceased and survived patient groups.

VariableDeceased patients (mean±95% CI)Survived patients (mean±SD)P-value
Age (years)71.81±2.3371.91±1.950.948
Heart rate (bpm)79.97±3.7578.34±3.430.525
sBP (mmHg)129.13±5.02135.78±3.55
dBP (mmHg)79.64±3.0280.83±2.240.523
RR (breaths/minute)17.59±0.4216.14±0.22
BMI (km/m)30.59±1.130.18±0.940.572
SpO (%)93.27±0.6293.82±0.830.319
NYHA class3.47±0.092.82±0.07
6MWD (meters)192.88±36.32309.73±25.65
LVEF (%)25.38±2.1443.93±1.39
LVDd (millimeters)54.38±1.6347.82±1.33
LAD (millimeters)52.78±1.3146.64±1.52
NT-proBNP (pmoL/L)636.14±44.48225.29±17.76
Serum creatinine level (μmoL/L)123.09±8.61102.06±5.920.1
Potassium (mmoL/L)4.54±0.114.54±0.070.980
Sodium (mmoL/L)137.8±0.54138.41±0.560.136
Bed days25.34±1.0924.16±0.990.118
Readmissions (at 6 months)1.59±0.151.09±0.11
Readmissions (at 12 months)2.39±0.251.69±0.17
SI (mL/m)34.18±1.837.35±1.75
CO (mL/m)5.32±0.335.7±0.340.103
LCW (kg×m)6.31±0.486.97±0.47
LCWI (kg×m/m)3.12±0.23.4±0.20.051
TFC (1/kOhm)46.56±2.0838.54±1.4
TFCI (1/kOhm/m)23.69±1.2519.5±0.89
sBP – systolic blood pressure; dBP – diastolic blood pressure; RR – respiratory rate; BMI – body mass index; SpO – noninvasively measured oxygen saturation; NYHA – New York Heart Association; 6MWD – 6-min walk distance; LVEF – left ventricular ejection fraction; LVDd – left ventricular end-diastolic dimension; LAD – left atrial dimension; NT-proBNP – amino-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide; SI – systolic index; CO – cardiac output; LCW – left cardiac work; LCWI – left cardiac work index; STR – systolic time ratio; TFC – thoracic fluid content; TFCI – thoracic fluid content index.

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Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750