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08 February 2023 : Database Analysis  

High SPATA18 Expression and its Diagnostic and Prognostic Value in Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma

Xie Lingui1ACE, Liu Weifeng1BC, Wang Yufei1B, Zhou Yibin1AFG*

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.938474

Med Sci Monit 2023; 29:e938474

Table 3 Relationship between SPATA18 mRNA expression and clinical characteristics in ccRCC.

CharacteristicVariableExpression of SPATA18 (%)χ2p
Low (n=265)High (n=265)
Age≤60130 (24.5)134 (25.3)0.070.794
>60135 (25.5)131 (24.7)
GenderFemale85 (16.0)101 (19.1)1.860.172
Male180 (34.0)164 (30.9)
Histologic gradeG17 (1.3)7 (1.3)34.36<0.001
G290 (17.2)137 (26.2)
G3103 (19.7)103 (19.7)
G459 (11.3)16 (3.1)
Pathologic stageStage I103 (19.5)162 (30.7)30.14< 0.001
Stage II28 (5.3)29 (5.5)
Stage III79 (15.0)44 (8.3)
Stage IV53 (10.1)29 (5.5)
T stageT1107 (20.2)164 (30.9)28.12< 0.001
T237 (7.0)32 (6.0)
T3112 (21.1)67 (12.6)
T49 (1.7)2 (0.4)
N stageN0123 (48.2)116 (45.5)6.450.011
N114 (5.5)2 (0.8)
M stageM0201 (40.4)219 (44.0)6.310.012
M150 (10.0)28 (5.6)
OS eventAlive149 (28.1)208 (39.2)28.87<0.001
Dead116 (21.9)57 (10.8)

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