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07 December 2022 : Clinical Research  

A Prospective Questionnaire-Based Study to Evaluate Factors Affecting the Decision to Receive COVID-19 Vaccination in 267 Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Poland

Michał Łodyga ORCID logo12ABCDEF*, Katarzyna Maciejewska ORCID logo1ABCDF, Grażyna Rydzewska ORCID logo13ADFG

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.938665

Med Sci Monit 2022; 28:e938665

Table 2 Group characteristics – demographic data.

VariableValue, n (%)
Sex (female)134 (50.6)
Age34.00 (28.00; 42.00)*
 No130 (48.7)
 Yes, currently39 (14.6)
 Yes, in past98 (36.7)
Drink alcohol
 No94 (35.9)
 Yes, currently64 (24.4)
 Yes, in past104 (39.7)
 Primary7 (2.6)
 Secondary92 (34.6)
 Higher167 (62.8)
Place of residence
 Countryside55 (20.6)
 City <20 000 inhabitants17 (6.4)
 City 20 000–100 000 inhabitants48 (18.0)
 City 101 000–499 000 inhabitants29 (10.9)
 City >500 000 inhabitants118 (44.2)
Average income per family member
 2000 PLN38 (14.6)
 2000–4000 PLN113 (43.3)
 4000–6000 PLN66 (25.3)
 >6000 PLN44 (16.9)
 Student24 (9.2)
 Working141 (54.0)
 Self-employed41 (15.7)
 Farmer5 (1.9)
 Jobless13 (5.0)
 Pensioner22 (8.4)
 Retired15 (5.7)
* 95% Cl.

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