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20 March 2023 : Clinical Research  

An Online Questionnaire-Based Survey of 1076 Individuals in Poland to Identify the Prevalence of Ophthalmic Symptoms in Autumn 2022

Agnieszka Kamińska ORCID logo1ABCDEF*, Mateusz Jankowski ORCID logo2ACE, Magdalena Barbara Rejdak ORCID logo3DE, Janusz Ostrowski ORCID logo2DE, Robert Rejdak ORCID logo4DE, Jarosław Pinkas ORCID logo2DE

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.939622

Med Sci Monit 2023; 29:e939622

Table 3 The prevalence of ophthalmic symptoms and vision problems by sociodemographic factors (n=1076).

VariableVision deteriorationBlurred visionBurning and stinging eyesBloodshot eyes (or red eyes)
n (%)pn (%)pn (%)pn (%)p
 Female136 (23.3)0.1108 (18.5)0.01135 (23.2)0.280 (13.7)0.1
 Male93 (18.9)61 (12.4)97 (19.7)51 (10.3)
Age (years)
 18–2931 (14.2)0.00339 (17.8)0.451 (23.3)0.630 (13.7)0.7
 30–3936 (17.1)35 (16.6)41 (19.4)28 (13.3)
 40–4944 (23.7)34 (18.3)35 (18.8)24 (12.9)
 50–5946 (23.1)27 (13.6)48 (24.1)23 (11.6)
 60+72 (27.6)34 (13.0)57 (21.8)26 (10.0)
Educational level
 Primary3 (12.5)0.0034 (16.7)0.45 (20.8)0.15 (20.8)0.01
 Vocational11 (9.6)16 (13.9)15 (13.0)8 (7.0)
 Secondary105 (21.3)70 (14.2)113 (22.9)48 (9.7)
 Higher110 (24.8)79 (17.8)99 (22.3)70 (15.8)
 Yes132 (23.5)0.0678 (13.9)0.1121 (21.6)0.962 (11.1)0.2
 No97 (18.8)91 (17.7)111 (21.6)69 (13.4)
Place of residence
 Rural83 (20.6)0.951 (12.7)0.181 (20.1)0.143 (10.7)0.6
 City30 (22.1)18 (13.2)41 (30.1)14 (10.3)
 City ≥20,00049 (23.1)42 (19.8)48 (22.6)28 (13.2)
 City ≥100,00041 (21.5)32 (16.8)36 (18.8)27 (14.1)
 City ≥500,000 inhabitants26 (19.4)26 (19.4)26 (19.4)19 (14.2)
Number of household members
 1 (living alone)29 (19.6)0.623 (15.5)0.926 (17.6)0.216 (10.8)0.6
 At least 2 persons200 (21.6)146 (15.7)206 (22.2)115 (12.4)
Occupational status
 Active129 (19.8)0.1105 (16.1)0.7120 (18.4)0.00278 (11.9)0.8
 Passive100 (23.6)64 (15.1)112 (26.5)53 (12.5)
Self-reported economic status
 Good76 (18.4)0.0861 (14.7)0.891 (22.0)0.953 (12.8)0.7
 Moderate88 (21.6)66 (16.2)86 (21.1)51 (12.5)
 Bad65 (25.6)42 (16.5)55 (21.7)27 (10.6)
Having chronic diseases
 Yes132 (27.6)100 (20.9)127 (26.6)69 (14.4)0.04
 No97 (16.2)69 (11.5)105 (17.6)62 (10.4)
Wearing spectacles/contact lenses
 Yes154 (25.9)97 (16.3)0.5140 (23.6)0.183 (14.0)0.04
 No75 (15.6)72 (14.9)92 (19.1)48 (10.0)
 Female127 (21.8)0.0195 (16.3)0.283 (14.2)0.0275 (12.9)0.004
 Male76 (15.4)67 (13.6)48 (9.7)37 (7.5)
Age (years)
 18–2944 (20.1)0.836 (16.4)0.0734 (15.5)0.0332 (14.6)0.04
 30–3942 (19.9)21 (10.0)33 (15.6)21 (10.0)
 40–4930 (16.1)24 (12.9)25 (13.4)19 (10.2)
 50–5936 (18.1)31 (15.6)16 (8.0)24 (12.1)
 60+51 (19.5)50 (19.2)23 (8.8)16 (6.1)
Educational level
 Primary3 (12.5)0.23 (12.5)0.93 (12.5)0.74 (16.7)0.5
 Vocational15 (13.0)18 (15.7)11 (9.6)8 (7.0)
 Secondary91 (18.4)74 (15.0)58 (11.7)52 (10.5)
 Higher94 (21.2)67 (15.1)59 (13.3)48 (10.8)
 Yes99 (17.6)0.388 (15.7)0.562 (11.1)0.242 (7.5)0.001
 No104 (20.2)74 (14.4)69 (13.4)70 (13.6)
Place of residence
 Rural77 (19.1)0.357 (14.1)0.747 (11.7)0.636 (8.9)0.8
 City21 (15.4)19 (14.0)18 (13.2)16 (11.8)
 City ≥20,00037 (17.5)39 (18.4)21 (9.9)24 (11.3)
 City ≥100,00034 (17.8)28 (14.7)24 (12.6)20 (10.5)
 City ≥500,000 inhabitants34 (25.4)19 (14.2)21 (15.7)16 (11.9)
Number of household members
 1 (living alone)28 (18.9)0.921 (14.2)0.820 (13.5)0.622 (14.9)0.06
 At least 2 persons175 (18.9)141 (15.2)111 (12.0)90 (9.7)
Occupational status
 Active119 (18.2)0.585 (13.0)0.0281 (12.4)0.866 (10.1)0.7
 Passive84 (19.9)77 (18.2)50 (11.8)46 (10.9)
Self-reported economic status
 Good70 (16.9)0.459 (14.3)0.537 (8.9)0.0436 (8.7)0.3
 Moderate80 (19.6)59 (14.5)59 (14.5)47 (11.5)
 Bad53 (20.9)44 (17.3)35 (13.8)29 (11.4)
Having chronic diseases
 Yes106 (22.2)0.0192 (19.2)67 (14.0)0.167 (14.0)
 No97 (16.2)70 (11.7)64 (10.7)45 (7.5)
Wearing spectacles/contact lenses
 Yes133 (22.4)0.001100 (16.8)0.0773 (12.3)0.964 (10.8)0.7
 No70 (14.5)62 (12.9)58 (12.0)48 (10.0)

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