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21 March 2023 : Clinical Research  

Is There a Relationship Between Bell’s Palsy and White Matter Lesions?

Nurcan Yurtsever Kum ORCID logo1ABCDEF*, Hatice Gul Hatipoglu Cetin ORCID logo2ABCE

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.939723

Med Sci Monit 2023; 29:e939723

Table 1 The demographic characteristics and the variables studied in Bell’s palsy patients and the control group patients.

BP (n=51)Control (n=40)P
Mean±SDMin-Max (median)Mean±SDMin-Max (median)
Age (years)46.60±7.7343.83±8.130.102a
PVWM Score0.62±0.560.32±0.47b
0–2 (1)0–1 (0)
DWM Score0.66±0.620.30±0.46b
0–2 (1)0–1 (0)
CWMLs (absence/presence)15/36 (29.4/70.6%)24/16 (60.0/40.0%)c
 Male29 (56.9%)19 (47.5%)0.377c
 Female22 (43.1%)21 (52.5%)
a t-test;
b Mann Whitney U test;
c Pearson Chi-Square test;
* P
BP – Bell’s palsy; SD – standard deviation; PVWM – periventricular white matter; DWM – deep white matter; CWML – cerebral white matter lesions.

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Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750
Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750