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10 August 2023 : Clinical Research  

Impact of Maternal Preoperative Hemoglobin Levels on Intraoperative Hemorrhage Risk in Placenta Accrete Spectrum Disorders: A Retrospective Cross-Sectional Study

Baolian Zhang1AE, Hong Liu1AEF, Wenli Wang2BCD, Jia Wang3BCD, Yuping Jiang2CD, Wen Jia2BCD, Haiyan Li2C, He Zhu2C, Xiaona Du2EF, Xianghua Huang2EFG*

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.940443

Med Sci Monit 2023; 29:e940443

Table 1 The demographic clinical characteristics of participants in this study.

CharacteristicsValue/percentage overall (n=538)<1500n=330>1500n=208P
Age (years)31.12±4.6830.77±4.7431.68±4.530.027
 <35411 (76.39%)258 (78.18%)153 (73.56%)
 ≥35127 (23.61%)72 (21.82%)55 (26.44%)
 No359 (66.73%)212 (64.24%)147 (70.67%)
 Yes179 (33.27%)118 (35.76%)61 (29.33%)
 Rural342 (63.57%)195 (59.09%)147 (70.67%)
 Urban196 (36.43%)135 (40.91%)61 (29.33%)
GA (weeks)35.95±2.4736.39±2.5335.24±2.18<0.001
BMI (kg/m)28.33 (3.70)28.27±3.7428.43±3.660.637
 <2593 (17.68%)57 (17.48%)36 (18.00%)0.880
 ≥25433 (82.32%)269 (82.52%)164 (82.00%)
Weight changes (kg)13.13±5.0613.23±4.7812.98±5.510.372
Gravidity3.00 (2.00–4.00)3.22±1.453.65±1.470.001
 ≤3302 (56.13%)195 (59.09%)107 (51.44%)
 >3236 (43.87%)135 (40.91%)101 (48.56%)
Parity1.00 (1.00–1.00)0.97±0.671.33±0.68<0.001
 084 (15.61%)69 (20.91%)15 (7.21%)
 1329 (61.15%)211 (63.94%)118 (56.73%)
 ≥2125 (23.23%)50 (15.15%)75 (36.06%)
NCS1.00 (0.00–1.00)<0.001
 0141 (26.21%)123 (37.27%)18 (8.65%)
 1299 (55.58%)176 (53.33%)123 (59.13%)
 ≥298 (18.22%)31 (9.39%)67 (32.21%)
 No458 (85.13%)264 (80.00%)194 (93.27%)
 Yes80 (14.87%)66 (20.00%)14 (6.73%)
 No191 (35.50%)127 (38.48%)64 (30.77%)
 Yes347 (64.50%)203 (61.52%)144 (69.23%)
 No499 (92.75%)300 (90.91%)199 (95.67%)
 Yes39 (7.25%)30 (9.09%)9 (4.33%)
 No231 (42.94%)165 (50.00%)66 (31.73%)
 Yes307 (57.06%)165 (50.00%)142 (68.27%)
Multiple pregnancy0.744
 No524 (97.40%)322 (97.58%)202 (97.12%)
 Yes14 (2.60%)8 (2.42%)6 (2.88%)
Placental location<0.001
 Posterior108 (20.53%)97 (30.50%)11 (5.29%)
 Lateral or others56 (10.65%)41 (12.89%)15 (7.21%)
 Anterior116 (22.05%)75 (23.58%)41 (19.71%)
 Central246 (46.77%)105 (33.02%)141 (67.79%)
 No118 (20.08%)106 (32.12%)12 (5.77%)
 Yes420 (77.92%)224 (67.88%)196 (94.23%)
 Without118 (21.93%)106 (32.12%)12 (5.77%)
 Low-lying23 (4.28%)17 (5.15%)6 (2.88%)
 Marginal44 (8.18%)35 (10.61%)9 (4.33%)
 Partial22 (4.09%)18 (5.45%)4 (1.92%)
 Central331 (61.52%)154 (46.67%)177 (85.10%)
Grade of PAS<0.001
 Grade 1264 (49.07%)238 (72.12%)26 (12.50%)
 Grade 2162 (30.11%)74 (22.42%)88 (42.31%)
 Grade 3112 (20.82%)18 (5.45%)94 (45.19%)
 No382 (72.08%)299 (91.61%)83 (41.09%)
 Yes148 (27.92%)29 (8.84%)119 (58.91%)
Pre-Hb (g/dL)10.99±1.3911.30±1.2910.49±1.41<0.001
 <11263 (48.88%)127 (38.48%)136 (65.38%)
 ≥11275 (51.12%)203 (61.52%)72 (34.62%)
Birth weight (g)2688.08±607.372758.76±602.892575.41±598.82<0.001
IBL (ml)1593.29±1459.61767.52±302.442903.41±1603.01<0.001
BMI – body mass index; GA – gestational age at delivery; NCS – numbers of cesarean section; VD – vaginal delivery; UA – uterine anomalies (fibroid tumors or previous uterine surgery or surgery abortion); HDP – hemorrhage during pregnancy; ART – assisted reproduction technology; PP – placenta previa; TPP – type of placenta previa; IBL – intraoperative blood loss; grade of PAS – grade of placenta accreta spectrum disorders; OR – odds ratio; CI – confidence interval; BMI – body mass index; GA – gestational age at delivery; HDP – hemorrhage during pregnancy; ART – assisted reproduction technology; TPP – type of placenta previa.

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Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750
Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750