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13 September 2023 : Clinical Research  

The Impact of Nasal Staphylococcus aureus Carriage on Surgical-Site Infections after Immediate Breast Reconstruction: Risk Factors and Biofilm Formation Potential

Maria Szymankiewicz ORCID logo1ABCDEF*, Sylwia Jarzynka ORCID logo2CDF, Anna Koryszewska-Bagińska ORCID logo2DF, Tomasz Nowikiewicz ORCID logo34BDF

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.940898

Med Sci Monit 2023; 29:e940898

Table 2 The influence of analyzed factors on the risk of infection: univariate analysis.

FactorsLevelOdds ratio (95% confidence interval)P (logistic regression)
(Continuous variable)0.98 (0.91, 1.07)0.7162
(Continuous variable)1.01 (0.87, 1.18)0.8887
Invasive1 (ref.)
Pre-invasiveEstimation not possible0.9977
I1 (ref.)
II0.58 (0.06, 0)0.6319
III0.58 (0.03, 10.21)0.7089
Prosthesis1 (ref.)
Expander7.64 (0.89, 65.31)0.0634
Negative1 (ref.)
Positive0.4 (0.05, 3.41)0.3993
No1 (ref.)
YesEstimation not possible0.9974
No1 (ref.)
Yes4.01 (0.75, 21.5)0.1049
01 (ref.)
14 (0.43, 37.01)0.222
24.95 (0.43, 57.59)0.2012
* No1 (ref.)
Yes4.27 (0.5, 36.57)0.1848
No1 (ref.)
Yes1.98 (0.36, 10.9)0.4321
BMI – body mass index; ASA – American Society of Anesthesiologists; PCR – polymerase chain reaction; MSSA – methicillin-susceptible ; MRSA – methicillin-resistant ; CHTH – chemotherapy (adjuvant or neoadjuvant).
* Risk factors: diabetes mellitus, mitral valve regurgitation, myocardial infarction, bronchial asthma, hypertension, thrombocytopenia, smoking, COVID disease, coronavirus disease, CHTH treatment, chemotherapy (adjuvant or neoadjuvant). .

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Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750
Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750