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14 August 2023 : Clinical Research  

A Simple and Accurate Model for Predicting Fall Injuries in Hospitalized Patients: Insights from a Retrospective Observational Study in Japan

Shizuka Yaita1ACDEF, Masaki Tago ORCID logo1ABCDEFG*, Naoko E. Katsuki ORCID logo1ABCDEF, Eiji Nakatani ORCID logo2ACDE, Yoshimasa Oda3BDE, Shun Yamashita ORCID logo1DEF, Midori Tokushima1DE, Yoshinori Tokushima1DE, Hidetoshi Aihara1ADE, Motoshi Fujiwara1DE, Shu-ichi Yamashita1DE

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.941252

Med Sci Monit 2023; 29:e941252

Table 3 Results of multivariable logistic regression analysis for fall injuries.

Variable, category (reference)Analysis 1Analysis 2
OR95% CIP value*OR95% CIP value*
Age, years1.01.0–1.10.0031.01.0–1.10.001
Sex, Female (Male)0.50.4–0.80.0010.50.4–0.80.001
Department, Neurosurgery (Internal Medicine)1.00.4–2.40.965
Department, Others (Internal Medicine)0.80.5–1.20.216
Emergency admission, Presence (Absence)1.20.7–2.20.431
Emergency admission, Missing category (Absence)3.20.1–121.40.533
Emergency transport, Presence (Absence)0.40.2–0.70.0030.40.3–0.6<0.001
Emergency transport, Missing category (Absence)0.50.3–0.80.0100.60.3–1.00.037
Medical referral letter, Presence (Absence)1.51.0–2.20.0421.51.0–2.20.041
Medical referral letter, Missing category (Absence)2.20.1–79.90.6723.30.4–25.70.258
History of falls, Presence (Absence)1.71.1–2.70.0131.71.1–2.60.012
Hypnotic medications, Using (Not using)0.80.5–1.40.491
Hypnotic medications, Missing category (Not using)0.50.2–1.40.158
Visual impairment, Presence (Absence)1.40.6–3.60.448
Visual impairment, Missing category (Absence)0.00.0-0.998
Parkinsonism, Presence (Absence)1.20.3–4.90.822
Permanent damage by stroke, Presence (Absence)0.40.1–1.10.088
Eating, requiring assistance (Independent)1.00.6–1.70.864
Eating, Missing category (Independent)0.70.3–1.70.482
Bedriddenness rank, J (Normal)4.71.9–11.70.0014.92.0–12.20.001
Bedriddenness rank, A (Normal)7.93.5–17.8<0.0018.94.0–19.8<0.001
Bedriddenness rank, B (Normal)6.22.6–15.2<0.0017.33.1–17.1<0.001
Bedriddenness rank, C (Normal)4.11.6–10.80.0044.51.9–11.10.001
Bedriddenness rank, Missing category (Normal)1.50.3–7.70.6361.20.2–5.60.846
OR – odds ratio; CI – confidence interval. Bedriddenness ranks: J – independence/autonomy; A – house-bound; B – chair-bound; C – bed-bound. The factors used in the multivariable logistic regression were all available on admission and had low collinearity with each other. The model was designed as a parsimonious model using 6 factors that had significance by the multivariable logistic regression of 13 factors.
* value for Wald test.

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Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750
Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750