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16 November 2023 : Clinical Research  

Psychometric Properties of the Polish Version of the FACIT-Sp-12: Assessing Spiritual Well-Being Among Patients with Chronic Diseases

Michał Machul ORCID logo1ABCDEF*, Jason Bredle2CDE, Krzysztof Jurek ORCID logo3CDE, Beata Dobrowolska ORCID logo1ACDEF

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.941769

Med Sci Monit 2023; 29:e941769

Table 8 FACIT-Sp-12 Total and Subscale subscores by sociodemographic and health variables, questions 1–4.

TotalTotal, Mean (SD)P valueMeaning, Mean (SD)P valuePeace, Mean (SD)P valueFaith, Mean (SD)P value
 Female21830.36 (6.16)0.00111 (1.87)0.00810.4 (2.12)0.0129.32 (3.52)0.006
 Male13728.04 (7.25)10.5 (1.9)9.36 (2.51)8.18 (3.93)
 Primary []1 16130.5 (5.91)11.0 (1.79)0.0371–39.92 (2.16)0.0492–39.63 (3.18)
 High school []2 11430.42 (6.62)10.89 (1.84)10.05 (2.16)9.48 (3.70)
 University []3 8025.9 (7.09)10.33 (2.09)9.09 (2.64)6.51 (3.83)
 Catholic31530.19 (6.11)10.91 (1.77)0.0439.92 (2.15)0.0129.35 (3.40)
 Others4023.78 (8.22)10.03 (2.54)8.60 (3.04)5.15 (4.09)
 Yes3825.50 (7.95)0.0029.97 (1.85)0.0048.71 (2.36)0.0076.82 (4.74)0.005
 No31729.94 (6.37)10.91 (1.87)9.90 (2.26)9.13 (3.51)
 Yes4431.30 (5.69)0.06111.00 (1.61)0.45710.05 (2.11)0.71110.25 (3.03)0.010
 No31129.21 (6.78)10.78 (1.93)9.74 (2.33)8.68 (3.78)
 Yes2931.86 (6.32)0.05211.38 (1.92)0.07210.07 (2.15)0.32610.41 (3.35)0.026
 No32629.25 (6.68)10.76 (1.88)9.75 (2.31)8.74 (3.73)
 Yes3428.24 (6.31)0.18110.09 (1.88)0.0149.56 (2.50)0.7218.59 (3.52)0.558
 No32129.60 (6.72)10.89 (1.88)9.80 (2.28)8.91 (3.75)
* Each row tests the null hypothesis that the sample 1 and sample 2 distributions are the same. Significance values have been adjusted by the Bonferroni correction for multiple tests.
COPD – chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; FACIT Sp-12 – The Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy–Spiritual Well-Being; SD – standard deviation.

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