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06 December 2023 : Clinical Research  

Dermoscopic Evaluation of Actinic Changes in the Lips of Indigenous Children Living at High Altitude in Ecuador: A Descriptive Study

Julia Elisa Cabezas ORCID logo1ABCEF, Maria Cabezas ORCID logo1ADEF*, Valeria Ureña-López ORCID logo2ABCEF, Lizeth V. Lafuente ORCID logo2BCDE, Katty Marcela Méndez-Flores ORCID logo2BCDE, José F. Luna ORCID logo3ACDE, Camila Miño ORCID logo14CDEF, Santiago Alberto Palacios-Alvarez ORCID logo12ADEF

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.942554

Med Sci Monit 2023; 29:e942554

Table 2 Clinical and dermoscopic patterns.

VariableUpper LipNumber (%)Lower LipNumber (%)P-value*
 Desquamation13 (52.0)10 (40.0)0.57
 Fissuring2 (8.0)2 (8.0)1.0
 Scabs2 (8.0)2 (8.0)1.0
 Discoloration at borders of the lips10 (40.0)5 (20.0)0.22
  White0 (0.0)0 (0.0)1.0
  White-yellow6 (24.0)0 (0.0)0.02
  White-red17 (68.0)21 (84.0)0.32
  Red2 (8.0)4 (16.0)0.67
  Blue-gray0 (0.0)0 (0.0)1.0
  Monomorphic22 (88.0)10 (40.0)<0.001
  Polymorphous3 (12.0)15 (60.0)<0.001
  Linear-irregular8 (32.0)18 (72.0)0.01
  Dotted16 (64.0)7 (28.0)0.02
  Hairpin1 (4.0)0 (0.0)1.0
  Yes15 (60.0)19 (76.0)0.36
  No10 (40.0)6 (24.0)0.36
  White14 (93.3)18 (94.7)0.38
  Yellow1 (6.7)1 (5.3)1.0
  Yes0 (0.0)1 (4.0)1.0
  No25 (100.0)24 (96.0)1.0
  Yes1 (4.0)1 (4.0)1.0
  No24 (96.0)24 (96.0)1.0
  Radiating lines8 (50.0)5 (38.5)0.8
  Dots/globules1 (6.3)0 (0.00)1.0
  Structureless areas7 (43.7)8 (61.5)0.46
* Fisher exact test.

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