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03 December 2024 : Clinical Research  

Machine Learning Models for Predicting 24-Hour Intraocular Pressure Changes: A Comparative Study

Chen Ranran12ACDEG, Lei Jinming3ACD, Liao Yujie12BC, Jin Yiping12BC, Wang Xue4CD, Li Hong1BD, Bi Yanlong5ACF*, Zhu Haohao12ABFG

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.945483

Med Sci Monit 2024; 30:e945483

Table 1 Demographic and clinical information on the patients in the study.

CharacteristicsTraining+Testing SetTesting Set
Number of participants47896
Number of eyes956192
Age (y), mean±SD51.21±16.6549.26±16.11
Male/female eyes, n (%)526/436 (55.02/44.98)100/92 (52.08/47.92)
BMI (kg/m), mean±SD23.46±2.9323.52±3.08
SBP10am (mmHg), mean±SD120.81±14.90121.47±12.05
DBP10am (mmHg), mean±SD75.13±10.0075.15±9.37
MAP10am (mmHg), mean±SD90.36±10.3590.59±9.35
C/D ratio, mean±SD0.61±0.180.59±0.19
CCT (μm), mean±SD529.54±38.46533.0±33.93
RE (D), mean±SD−2.72±3.55−2.57±3.51
MSO, n (%)
 Number of MHNW562 (58.79)127 (66.14)
 Number of MHO200 (20.92)37 (19.27)
 Number of MUNW64 (6.69)13 (5.74)
 Number of MUO130 (13.60)17 (8.85)
Diagnosis by eye, n (%)
 Glaucoma suspect570 (59.62)112 (58.33)
 Primary open-angle glaucoma308 (32.22)66 (33.34)
 Primary angle-closure glaucoma78 (8.16)16 (8.33)
Number of anti-glaucoma drugs used
 0, n (%)646 (67.57)129 (67.18)
 1, n (%)226 (23.64)42 (21.87)
 2, n (%)74 (7.74)17 (8.85)
 3, n (%)8 (0.84)4 (2.1)
 4, n (%)2 (0.21)2 (1.04)
Duration of anti-glaucoma drugs used, (y), mean±SD0.67±3.440.69±4.12
IOP10am (mmHg) (SD)18.40±4.7219.19±4.38
IOP12pm (mmHg), mean±SD18.18±4.6818.29±3.86
IOP2pm (mmHg), mean±SD17.73±4.7017.82±3.75
IOP4pm (mmHg), mean±SD17.73±4.7618.09±4.25
24-h IOP flucts (mmHg), mean±SD7.11±3.416.99±3.23
24-h IOP max (mmHg), mean±SD22.08±5.6822.48±4.89
24-h IOP min10 (mmHg), mean±SD14.97±3.7015.48±3.4
24-h IOP avg (mmHg), mean±SD18.20±4.3718.65±3.71
IOP flucts exceeding 8 mmHg in a 24-h period, eyes (%)285 (29.81)52 (27.08)
MOPP10am (mmHg), mean±SD41.72±7.9641.2±7.79
SOPP10am (mmHg), mean±SD102.23±14.79102.28±12.86
DOPP10am (mmHg), mean±SD56.55±10.3255.96±10.6
S10am (mmHg/h), mean±SD−0.11±1.26−0.15±1.25
S12pm (mmHg/h), mean±SD−0.22±1.36−0.24±1.08
S2pm (mmHg/h), mean±SD−0.22±1.26−0.23±1.09
Data are presented as mean±standard deviation or percentage, unless otherwise indicated. y – year; BMI – body mass index; SBP10am – systolic blood pressure at 10: 00 AM; DBP10am – diastolic blood pressure at 10: 00 AM; MAP10am – mean arterial pressure at 10: 00AM; CCT – central corneal thickness; C/D ratio – cup-to-disc ratio; RE – refractive error; D – diopters; MSO – metabolic status and obesity; MHNW – metabolic healthy and normal weight; MHO – metabolic healthy and obese; MUNW – metabolic unhealthy and normal weight; MUO – metabolic unhealthy and obese; IOP10am – intraocular pressure at 10: 00 AM; IOP12pm – intraocular pressure at 12: 00 PM; IOP2pm – intraocular pressure at 2: 00 PM; IOP4pm – intraocular pressure at 4: 00 PM; 24-h IOP flucts – the intraocular pressure fluctuations in a 24-hour period; 24-h IOP max: –the maximum intraocular pressure in a 24-hour period; 24-h IOP min – the minimum intraocular pressure in a 24-hour period; 24-h IOP avg – the average intraocular pressure in a 24-hour period; IOP flucts exceeding 8 mmHg in a 24-h period – the intraocular pressure fluctuations exceeding 8 mmHg in a 24-hour period; MOPP10am – mean ocular perfusion pressure at 10: 00 AM; SOPP10am – systolic ocular perfusion pressure at 10: 00 AM; DOPP10am –, diastolic ocular perfusion pressure at 10: 00 AM; S10am – the slope of the diurnal curve at 10: 00 AM; S12pm – the slope of the diurnal curve at 12: 00 PM; S2pm – the slope of the diurnal curve at 2: 00 PM; SD – standard deviation.

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Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750
Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750