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02 July 2004

Congenital morphological abnormalities of the distal vertebral arteries (CMADVA) and their relationship with vertigo and dizziness

Yahya Paksoy, Hüsamettin Vatansev, Muzaffer Şeker, Mehmet Erkan Üstün, Mustafa Büyükmumcu, Zehra Akpinar

Med Sci Monit 2004; 10(7): CR316-323 :: ID: 11696


Background:The aim of our study was to identify congenital morphological abnormalities of distal vertebral arteries (CMADVA) and their association with cerebral hypoperfusion leading to vertigo, and the role of MR and MRA in the diagnosis of vertebrobasilar (VB) abnormalities.Material/Methods:768 patients who complained of dizziness and/or vertigo were included in the study and evaluated by MR and MRA. CMADVAs were determined in 88 of the cases with no other explanation for vertigo and dizziness. 150 patients without dizziness or vertigo were used as a control group. The 3D TOF (Time- of- flight) MR angiographic technique was used.Results:CMADVAs were detected in 88 of 768 patients (11.5%) with vertigo and/or dizziness. We also detected CMADVAs in 4 (2.7%) of 150 persons in the control group. The patients with abnormal vertebral artery findings were classified into ten categories. Lacunar infarcts in the brain stem were found in 8 patients after long-duration vertigo attacks. There was significant correlation between the control and vertigo groups in terms of CMADVA (p=0.0001). After excluding the control group, there was a significant relationship between CMADVA and vertigo and/or dizziness symptoms (p=0.0001).Conclusions:We believe that vertigo and dizziness associated with CMADVA is a real entity that deserves greater attention. For this reason, the vertebrobasilar system in these patients should be examined for CMADVA with MRA. This would enable us to take preventive measures against brainstem ischemia or at least elucidate the etiology of vertigo in these patients.

Keywords: Adolescent, Case-Control Studies, Cerebrovascular Circulation - physiology, Child, Dizziness - congenital, Dizziness - diagnosis, Magnetic Resonance Angiography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Vertebral Artery - abnormalities, Vertebral Artery - anatomy & histology, Vertebral Artery - pathology, Vertebrobasilar Insufficiency - complications, Vertebrobasilar Insufficiency - diagnosis, Vertigo - congenital, Vertigo - diagnosis, Adolescent, Case-Control Studies, Cerebrovascular Circulation - physiology, Child, Dizziness - diagnosis, Magnetic Resonance Angiography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Vertebral Artery - pathology, Vertebrobasilar Insufficiency - diagnosis, Vertigo - diagnosis

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