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01 March 2007

A novel vitamin C preparation enhances neurite formation and fibroblast adhesion and reduces xenobiotic-induced T-cell hyperactivation

Benjamin S. Weeks, Pedro P. Perez

Med Sci Monit 2007; 13(3): BR51-58 :: ID: 475504


Background: Vitamin C (ascorbic acid, ascorbate) has been shown to enhance neurite outgrowth, promote fi broblast adhesion during wound healing, and reduce xenobiotic-induced leukocyte hyperactivity and
infl ammatory damage. In this study, a comparison was made between Ester-C® and PureWay-C™ on these various cellular activities.
Material/Methods: PC12 cells were stimulated to form neurites with nerve growth factor, NIH 3T3 fi broblasts were seeded on fi bronectin and H9 T-cells were stimulated to aggregate with the pyrethroid pesticide
bifenthrin. The rate of neurite formation, fi broblast adhesion and T-cell homotypic aggregation was then measured in the absence and presence of various formulations of vitamin C including Ester-C® and PureWay-C™.
Results: With PureWay-C™ treatment, 12% of PC12 cells extended neurites within one hour of treatment and 45% of the cells extended neurites by hour nine. With Ester-C®, 0% and 15% extended neurites at one and nine hours, respectively. NIH-3T3 fi broblast adhesion to fi bronectin was enhanced
by 4.7-fold with a 30 minute PureWay-C™ treatment while Ester-C® increased fi broblast adhesion by only 1.5 fold. Further, PureWay-C™ reduced pesticide-mediated T-cell homotypic aggregation
by 83% within 30 minutes of treatment while the reduction seen with Ester-C® was only 33%.
Conclusions: These data confi rm the previous observations that vitamin C supplementation can promote neurite outgrowth, increase fi broblast adhesion and reduce xenobiotic induce immunocytes aggregation.
More importantly, these data show that PureWay-C™ has a faster and greater benefi cial effect on these parameters when compared to other vitamin C formulations.

Keywords: Xenobiotics - pharmacology, T-Lymphocytes - immunology, Pyrethrins - pharmacology, Phytohemagglutinins - pharmacology, Neurites - drug effects, Nerve Growth Factors - pharmacology, NIH 3T3 Cells, Lymphocyte Activation - immunology, Fibronectins - metabolism, Fibroblasts - drug effects, Dose-Response Relationship, Drug, Cell Aggregation - drug effects, Cell Adhesion - drug effects, Ascorbic Acid - pharmacology

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