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01 July 1997

Monthly hormonal profile in infertile women with two-phase menstrual cycle. Part I. Socio-economic description of infertile marriages

Andrzej Witczak, Andrzej Szczurowicz, Anna Szczurowicz

Med Sci Monit 1997; 3(4): CR546-550 :: ID: 501395


Marriage infertility constitutes a serious medical and social problem. The lack of desired offspring leads to stress in the life of infertile marriages, sometimes contributing to eventual divorce. Both socio-economic factors and characteristics related to menstruation were analyzed in this study constituting the first part of research carried out on a ninety eight member infertile female study group, with a two-phase menstrual cycle. The analysis was undertaken in order to detail common characteristics for all members of this group, including their age, social status, residence, time of first menstruation with its characteristics, time of waiting for pregnancy, professional job, health risk factors, as well as use of alcohol, nicotine, caffeine and other stimulants. The results were compared with a control group consisting of 32 patients in the same program who had conceived at least one child without treatment. Frequency methods and contingency tables were used for statistical analysis. The results showed that women initially unable to conceive were characteristically older than were the women of the control group. Close to 100% of those women in the control group compared to only 70 % of those in the study group become pregnant and had children within 6 years. Patients from the control group conceived children 2.5 times more often during the first two years of their marriages in comparison with the study group women.

Keywords: environmental characteristics of infertile women, Infertility, sexual cycle

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