03 November 1997
Skeletotopic analysis of uterine artery development during the fetal period
Danuta Gościcka, Marek Lewandowski, Małgorzata DombekMed Sci Monit 1997; 3(6): BR781-783 :: ID: 501738
The process of apparent ascending of uterine arteries is observed during the fetal period as a result of dynamic development of spine. 86 human fetuses at the age of 5 to 9 months of fetal life were analyzed. The age of fetus was determined on the basis of the last menstruation date and confirmed by a method described by Moore and co-workers. Arteries of the fetuses were filled up though the abdominal aorta with 20ml of 60% Uropolin. The localizationt of three points in the course of uterine aorta in relation to sacral vertebra were read from the radiogram. All analyzed points in the course of uterine aorta apparently assented in relation to spine during the fetal period. Projection of the starting point of uterine aorta on the spine apparently ascended by half of the vertebra during the period from 5 to 9 month of fetal life. The process of apparent ascending of both poinst by about two and one and a half of vertebra respectively during the same time period was determined on the basis of analysis of location of starting and ending point of the ascending part of the examined artery. Results show apparent ascending of uterine artery in relation to the spine, however 'pseudoscensus' of these vessels in the fetal development in relation to spine was differentiated.
Keywords: human fetuses, skeletotopy, uterine artery
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