03 November 2019 : Clinical Research
Vitamin D Deficiency/Insufficiency Is Associated with Risk of Osteoporotic Thoracolumbar Junction Vertebral Fractures
Liangming Zhang123ABCDEF, Cheungchan Chun1BCDE, Yang Yang1BCE, Bin Liu123C, Yeqing Zhu4BC, Ruiqiang Chen1ABCD, Limin Rong123AG*DOI: 10.12659/MSM.915780
Med Sci Monit 2019; 25:8260-8268
BACKGROUND: The association between serum vitamin D level and vertebral fracture (VFx) remains controversial. The purpose of this study was to determine whether serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D (25(OH)D) level is associated with osteoporotic thoracolumbar junction VFx in elderly patients.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: From Jan 2013 to Dec 2017, this retrospective case-control study included 534 patients with primary osteoporotic thoracolumbar junction VFx (T10–L2) and 569 elderly orthopedic patients with back pain (without osteoporotic VFx) as controls. Serum 25(OH)D levels were measured and the association with osteoporotic VFx was analyzed. Other clinical data, including BMI, comorbidities, and bone mineral density (BMD), were also collected and compared between these 2 groups.
RESULTS: It was shown that 25(OH)D levels were significantly lower in patients with T10–L2 VFx than in control patients. Among 534 VFx patients, 417 (78.1%) patients showed grade 2–3 fracture. Serum 25(OH)D levels were significantly related to affected vertebral numbers and VFx severities. The VFx risk was 28% lower (OR=0.72, 95% CI 0.62–0.83) per increased SD in serum 25(OH)D. Compared with the 1st quartile (mean 25(OH)D: 29.67±6.18 nmol/L), the VFx risk was significantly lower in the 3rd (mean 25(OH)D: 60.91±5.12nmol/L) and 4th quartiles (mean 25(OH)D: 103.3±44.21nmol/L), but not in the 2nd quartile (mean 25(OH)D: 45.40±3.95 nmol/L). In contrast, the VFx risk was significantly increased in the 1st quartile (OR=1.87, 95% CI 1.42–2.45) compared with the 2nd–4th quartiles.
CONCLUSIONS: Vitamin D deficiency/insufficiency was associated with risk of osteoporotic thoracolumbar junction vertebral fractures in elderly patients.
Keywords: Case-Control Studies, Osteoporosis, Spinal Fractures, Vitamin D Deficiency, Aged, 80 and over, Bone Density, Lumbar Vertebrae, Osteoporotic Fractures, Risk Factors, Spine, Thoracic Vertebrae, Vitamin D
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