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06 October 2020: Database Analysis  

Creation of a Prognostic Risk Prediction Model for Lung Adenocarcinoma Based on Gene Expression, Methylation, and Clinical Characteristics

Honggang Ke1CD, Yunyu Wu2DEF, Runjie Wang3CDF, Xiaohong Wu4AB*

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.925833

Med Sci Monit 2020; 26:e925833



BACKGROUND: This study aimed to identify important marker genes in lung adenocarcinoma (LACC) and establish a prognostic risk model to predict the risk of LACC in patients.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: Gene expression and methylation profiles for LACC and clinical information about cases were downloaded from the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) and The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) databases, respectively. Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) and differentially methylated genes (DMGs) between cancer and control groups were selected through meta-analysis. Pearson coefficient correlation analysis was performed to identify intersections between DEGs and DMGs and a functional analysis was performed on the genes that were correlated. Marker genes and clinical factors significantly related to prognosis were identified using univariate and multivariate Cox regression analyses. Risk prediction models were then created based on the marker genes and clinical factors.

RESULTS: In total, 1975 DEGs and 2095 DMGs were identified. After comparison, 16 prognosis-related genes (EFNB2, TSPAN7, INPP5A, VAMP2, CALML5, SNAI2, RHOBTB1, CKB, ATF7IP2, RIMS2, RCBTB2, YBX1, RAB27B, NFATC1, TCEAL4, and SLC16A3) were selected from 265 overlapping genes. Four clinical factors (pathologic N [node], pathologic T [tumor], pathologic stage, and new tumor) were associated with prognosis. The prognostic risk prediction models were constructed and validated with other independent datasets.

CONCLUSIONS: An integrated model that combines clinical factors and gene markers is useful for predicting risk of LACC in patients. The 16 genes that were identified, including EFNB2, TSPAN7, INPP5A, VAMP2, and CALML5, may serve as novel biomarkers for diagnosis of LACC and prediction of disease prognosis.

Keywords: Genes, Intracisternal A-Particle, Medical Oncology, Molecular Conformation, Adenocarcinoma of Lung, Biomarkers, Tumor, DNA Methylation, DNA, Neoplasm, Databases, Genetic, Models, Biological, Predictive Value of Tests


Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers and a severe threat to human health. The number of lung cancer-related deaths is growing, with an estimated one-quarter of cancer-related deaths due to the disease [1]. There are 2 main types of lung cancer: small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Lung adenocarcinoma (LACC) is the most frequent histological subtype of NSCLC, accounting for approximately 75% of all cases of lung cancer. Over the past few decades, incidence of LACC in China has rapidly increased [2]. Despite recent advances in multimodality therapy, the overall 5-year survival rate for patients with LACC is only 15% [3], because two-thirds of lung cancers are discovered at advanced stages. Furthermore, 30% to 55% or more of patients who undergo resection for lung cancer experience relapse of disease within 5 years and die of metastatic recurrence [4]. Currently, it is impossible to accurately identify specific patients at high risk of recurrence to provide individualized therapy.

In recent years, molecular characterization of NSCLC has reached an unprecedented level of detail [5,6]. Vascular invasion, poor differentiation, tumor size, and high tumor proliferation index have been found to have prognostic significance. In addition, advances in human genomics have revolutionized methods of identifying new prognostic factors for human cancer [7,8]. For instance, Jiang et al. [9] identified 16 survival marker genes on the basis of datasets from previous studies. Beer et al. [10] evaluated a group of survival marker genes for use in identification of high-risk patients with LACC. Moreover, global gene expression profiling based on microarray technology has identified novel gene signatures and potential biomarkers to better predict patient prognosis in lung cancer [11–15], such as KRAS [16], p53 [17], SLC1A6, MGB1, REG1A, and AKAP12 [18]. Despite this progress, however, it remains challenging to accurately predict prognosis in patients with LACC.

In this study, we integrated gene expression profiling, methylation profiling and clinical characteristics to identify important marker genes that could predict survival and prognosis in a cohort of patients with LACC. A comprehensive prognostic risk model was constructed based on tumor marker genes and clinical factors. Reasonable use of reliable tumor markers may be helpful in early diagnosis of LACC and prediction of prognosis in patients with the disease.

Material and Methods


The datasets for LACC, including gene expression and methylation profiles obtained from the same patient population, were downloaded from the National Center of Biotechnology Information Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) database (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/) and the European Bioinformatics Institute database on September 5, 2017. The datasets were further screened according to the following inclusion criteria: (1) Presence of LACC and normal control samples; (2) Availability of more than 50 samples; and (3) More than 20 000 total probes detected in the dataset. Finally, a total of 7 gene expression profile (GSE75037, GSE33532, GSE43458, GSE30219, GSE32863, GSE10072 and GSE62949) and 4 methylation profile datasets (GSE32861, GSE49996, GSE63384, and GSE62948) were selected. Detailed information about them is shown in Table 1. Furthermore, GSE62949 and GSE62948 were both included in dataset GSE62950 (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE62950).


Data on gene expression and methylation profiles for LACC used to construct the prognostic risk prediction model were downloaded from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) database (https://gdc-portal.nci.nih.gov/). After matching the methylation and gene expression profiles, 473 matched tumor samples were obtained. A total of 335 tumor samples were obtained by removing the samples that did not have survival prognosis information. These data were used as the training dataset. At the same time, the expression profile for LACC tissue, GSE37745 [19] (platform: GPL570 [HG-U133_Plus_2] Affymetrix Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 Array), was downloaded from the GEO database. This dataset, which contains 106 LACC tissue samples, was used as an independent validation dataset for the prognostic risk prediction model. Clinical information about the 2 datasets is shown in Table 2.


We used the oligo package [20] (http://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/oligo.html) in R3.4.1 language for CEL data conversion, missing values supplementation (median method), background correction (MAS method), and data normalization (quantile method) of the GSE333532, GSE43458, GSE30219, and GSE1072 datasets, which were downloaded from the GEO database based on the Affy platform. Using the limma package [21] (https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/limma.html) in the R3.4.1 language with the Illumima platform (quantile method), gene annotation, log2 conversion, and data normalization were performed on the GSE75037 and GSE32863 datasets (TXT format). For methylation profiling of GSE32861, GSE49996, GSE63384, and GSE62948, we identified the chromosomal sites and methylation beta values using the GenomeStudio Methylation Module [22].

The main purpose of the meta-analysis was to comprehensively generate multiple research results using multiple experimental datasets, improve the ability to generate statistics, and screen for more reliable genes. Because these datasets were collected from different samples and experiments, they may be subject to bias. Therefore, the MetaQC [23] package (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/MetaQC/index.html) in R3.4.1 was used to perform quality control on the datasets. Next, the differentially expressed genes (DEGs) and differentially methylated genes (DMGs) were screened out using MetaDE.ES in MetaDE [24] package (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/MetaDE). The tau2=0, and Qpval >0.05 were used as the homogeneity test parameters; a false discovery rate (FDR) <0.05 was set as the threshold.


For the above obtained DEGs and DMGs, we selected the intersection genes, which then served as candidate tumor marker genes. The Pearson coefficient correlation between gene expression level and methylation level was calculated using the cor function (https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/stats/versions/3.4.1/topics/cor) in R3.4.1. Then the DAVID Bioinformatics Database, v6.8 [25,26] (https://david.ncifcrf.gov/), was used to perform enrichment analyses of the candidate tumor marker genes from the Gene Ontology (GO) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) databases.


From among the total tumor marker gene set and the corresponding clinical factors for the tumor samples, we then identified the tumor marker genes and clinical factors significantly related to prognosis, using the univariate and multivariate Cox regression analyses in the Bioconductor R3.4.1 survival package [27] (http://bioconductor.org/packages/survival/). A log-rank test P<0.05 was used as the threshold for significance.


Using the prognosis-associated tumor marker genes identified by the Cox regression analysis, we constructed a risk prediction model and calculated a prognostic index (PI) for each sample. The samples in the training set were divided into high- and low-risk groups, according to median PI. Then the correlation between the risk prediction model and prognosis was assessed with construction of a Kaplan-Meier survival curve [28] in the survival package of R3.4.1 and validated using the validation dataset.

In addition, following the same method, a risk prediction model was constructed using the clinical factors and the Cox regression analysis-generated prognosis associated with those factors. Similarly, the samples in the training set were divided into high- and low-risk groups, and the correlation between the risk prediction model and the prognosis was assessed through a Kaplan-Meier survival curve.

Finally, a risk prediction model that synthesized clinical factors and tumor marker genes was constructed based on the prognosis correlation coefficients obtained from the 2 models previously described. The PI of each sample was recalculated, the median of which was used to divide the samples in training set into high- and low-risk groups. The correlation between the risk prediction model and prognosis was evaluated via a Kaplan-Meier survival curve, and validated with the validation dataset.



After normalization, quality control was performed on the datasets with MetaQC. Five parameter scores were calculated, including internal quality control (IQC), external quality control (EQC), accuracy quality control (AQCg), consistency quality control (CQCg), and standardized mean rank score (SMR), as shown in Table 3. In addition, results of principal component analysis of these datasets are shown in Figure 1A and 1B. After combining Table 3 and Figure 1, we concluded that the distribution of 6 expression profiling datasets and 4 methylation profiling datasets was balanced, and all indexes fit the standard of data quality, so the 10 datasets were included in the subsequent analysis. Finally, 1975 significant DEGs and 2095 DMGs were identified using MetaDE. A heatmap of these DEGs and DMGs showed that that the DEGs and DMGs screened from different datasets were consistent in their differential degree and direction (Figure 2).


By comparing the 1975 DEGs and 2095 DMGs, 265 intersecting genes (candidate genes) were identified. An analysis of the correlation between the expression and methylation levels of the 265 candidate genes then was performed, based on the methylation and expression profiles that matched the samples in TCGA and GSE62950 datasets. As shown in Figure 3, the expression values and methylation levels of 265 gene were negatively correlated in the TCGA and GSE62950 datasets, and the correlation coefficients were −0.5108 (P=0.0114) and −0.4216 (P=0.0003), respectively. Functional enrichment analysis of 265 candidate genes identified 15 significant GO biological processes and 9 KEGG pathways, as shown in Table 4.


From an initial pool of 256 candidate genes and based on the clinical factors in the samples, 16 prognosis-related genes (EFNB2, TSPAN7, INPP5A, VAMP2, CALML5, SNAI2, RHOBTB1, CKB, ATF7IP2, RIMS2, RCBTB2, YBX1, RAB27B, NFATC1, TCEAL4, and SLC16A3) (Table 5) were screened using univariate and multivariate Cox regression analyses. An analysis then was performed of the correlation between the expression and methylation levels in 16 prognostic genes in TCGA and GSE62950 datasets (Supplementary Figure 1). Five clinical factors were identified: pathologic N (nodes), pathologic T (tumor), pathologic stage, new tumor, and radiation therapy. As shown in Table 6, pathologic N, pathologic T, pathologic stage, and new tumor were significantly correlated with prognosis. The Kaplan-Meier curves for the correlations between the 4 clinical factors and overall survival (OS) are shown in Supplementary Figure 2. A cluster analysis of the expression and methylation levels of the 16 prognosis-related genes and the 4 clinical factors revealed that the samples could be divided into 2 clusters. There were 160 and 175 samples in clusters 1 and 2, respectively (Figure 4). In addition, a chi-square test of sample clinical information in the 2 clusters revealed that pathologic N was significantly correlated with both clusters (P=0.0467) (Supplementary Table 1).


A risk prediction model was constructed using the 16 prognosis-associated tumor marker genes identified by the Cox regression analysis. A Kaplan-Meier survival curve was used on the TCGA training set to assess the correlation between the risk groups and the prognosis for OS and recurrence. In OS prognosis, low-risk patients (167 samples) had a longer OS time compared with high-risk patients (168 samples) (Table 7). The P value for the correlation between the risk groups and OS prognosis was 3.961e-08. The Kaplan-Meier curve is shown on the left side of Figure 5A.

Based on the PI values, a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was constructed. The area under the ROC curve (AUROC) for prognosis was 0.997 (Figure 5C; green curve). In the analysis of recurrence prognosis (260 samples), low-risk patients (130 samples) also had a longer time to relapse relative to the high-risk patients (130 samples) (Table 7). The P value for the correlation between the risk groups and prognosis for recurrence-free survival (RFS) was 3.961e-08 (Figure 5A; right) and the AUROC of the ROC curve was 0.985 (Figure 5C; blue curve).

The risk prediction model was validated in GSE37745 and the results were consistent with that in the training set. As shown in Figure 5B, the P value for the correlation between the risk groups and the prognosis for OS was 0.0091 (left) and between the risk groups and prognosis for recurrence was 0.0260 (right). The AUROC of ROC curve for OS and relapse prognoses were 0.979 (black curve) and 0.953 (red curve), respectively (Figure 5C). Using the same methods, a risk prediction mode was constructed using the clinical factors (Figure 5D–5F) and both the tumor marker genes and the clinical factors (Figure 5G–5I). The OS and RFS for high- and low-risk groups are shown in Table 7.


The present study integrated multiple LACC gene expression and methylation profile datasets and used meta-analysis to preliminarily screen out 265 genes whose expression levels were significantly influenced by methylation. Then 16 prognosis-related genes (EFNB2, TSPAN7, INPP5A, VAMP2, CALML5, SNAI2, RHOBTB1, CKB, ATF7IP2, RIMS2, RCBTB2, YBX1, RAB27B, NFATC1, TCEAL4, and SLC16A3) were elected using Cox regression analysis, which was then used successfully to construct a prognostic risk prediction model. In addition, we constructed a risk prediction model based on 4 clinical factors: pathologic N, pathologic T, pathologic stage, and new tumor. Finally, a comprehensive prognostic risk model that combined tumor marker genes and clinical factors was constructed and validated.

Of the 16 tumor marker genes, both calmodulin like 5 (CALML5) and inositol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase a (INPP5A) were involved in the hsa04070: phosphatidylinositol signaling system. Signaling by phosphorylated species of phosphatidylinositol regulates various cellular processes, such as cytoskeletal reorganization, membrane trafficking, and sex-dependent synaptic patterning [29,30]. Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) signaling is the most common phosphatidylinositol signaling in cancers, including those of the lung [31,32]. Specifically, INPP5A recently has been reported to be a prognostic marker for cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma [33]. In addition to CALML5 and INPP5A, creatine kinase B (CKB) and solute carrier family 16 member 3 (SLC16A3) were also identified in function enrichment analysis. CKB was enriched in ion homeostasis-associated functions and SLC16A3 was enriched in function associated with monocarboxylic acid transport. CKB is an enzyme involved in energy transduction pathways, and levels of it are low in colorectal cancer [34]. A recent study revealed that quantification of DNA methylation of specific CpG sites in the SLC16A3 promoter had clinical potential for diagnosing and predicting prognosis of clear cell renal cell carcinoma [35]. Those findings, taken together with our results, lead us to speculate that CALML5, INPP5A, CKB and SLC16A3 may be involved in the progression of LACC through different pathways, and they may serve as important markers of diagnosis and prognosis in LACC.

Among the 16 marker genes, ephrin B2 (EFNB2), tetraspanin 7 (TSPAN7), INPP5A, vesicle-associated membrane protein 2 (VAMP2), and CALML5 had the lowest P values. EFNB2 is a member of the ephrin family. The ephrin system is implicated in many cellular processes, such as cell proliferation, differentiation, and migration, as well as physiological or pathological angiogenesis [36]. It is also implicated in human cancers through autocrine or juxtacrine activation [37]. Coexpression of EFNB2 and its receptor, Ephrin type-B receptor 4, has been reported in papillary thyroid carcinoma, glioblastoma, and uterine cervical and ovarian cancers [38–41]. Recently, Oweida et al. [42] suggested that overexpression of EFNB2 can serve as a biomarker for patient prognosis. TSPAN7, a member of the transmembrane 4 superfamily, has been implicated in the development and progression of several cancers. It was first found to be strongly expressed in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia [43]. Subsequent microarray analyses have demonstrated overexpression of TSPAN7 in several solid tumors [44,45]. Research on the role of TSPAN7 in LACC is rare. VAMP2 is a member of the vesicle-associated membrane protein. The VAMP2-NRG1 fusion gene promotes anchorage-independent colony formation of LACC cells, serving as a novel oncogenic driver of LACC [46]. Recently, Wang et al. demonstrated that miR-493-5p overexpression promotes cell apoptosis and inhibits the proliferation and migration of liver cancer cells by negatively regulating the expression of VAMP2 [47], which indirectly indicates the important role that VAMP2 plays in cancer. Taken together, all of these studies suggest that EFNB2, TSPAN7 and VAMP2, may serve as prognostic makers in LACC.

Most of the other tumor marker genes we identified have been reported to be implicated in lung cancer or other human cancers. For instance, Sail family transcriptional repressor 2 (SNAI2) encodes a zinc-finger protein from the SNAI family of transcription factors [48]. SNAI2 is amplified or interacts with specific oncogenes in many human cancers, including lung cancer [49,50]. SNAI2 expression by cancer-associated fibroblasts is correlated with worse OS in NSCLC [51]. Rho-related BTB domain containing 1 (RHOBTB1), which belongs to the RhoBTB subfamily, has been proposed as a tumor suppressor [52]. Y-box binding protein-1 (YBX1) is upregulated in various cancers, including lung cancer, and serves as a new marker of lung cancer progression [53]. Hendrix et al. [54] found that RAB27B, a member of RAS oncogene family, regulates invasive tumor growth and metastasis of several breast cancer cell lines. Nuclear factor of activated T cells 1 (NFATC1) regulates many cancer-related functions, such as cell proliferation, migration, and angiogenesis. It also acts as an oncogene involved in some functions in cancer and induces a tumorigenic microenvironment [55]. Transcription elongation factor A (SII)-like 4 (TCEAL4) is downregulated in anaplastic thyroid cancer [56]. Therefore, these genes may have roles as key biomarkers in LACC.


In the present study, we identified 16 tumor marker genes for LACC, based on analysis of multiple gene expression and methylation profiling datasets, and constructed an integrated risk prediction model that combined those tumor markers with clinical factors. The 16 genes we identified, such as EFNB2, TSPAN7, INPP5A, VAMP2, and CALML5, may serve as novel biomarkers in early diagnosis and prediction of prognosis of LACC.


MetaQC quality control charts of (A) 5 gene expression profiles and (B) 2 gene methylation profiles. The horizontal and vertical axes represent the first and second principal components in principal component analysis. The numbers represent the corresponding datasets.Figure 1. MetaQC quality control charts of (A) 5 gene expression profiles and (B) 2 gene methylation profiles. The horizontal and vertical axes represent the first and second principal components in principal component analysis. The numbers represent the corresponding datasets. Heatmaps of (A) significant differentially expressed genes and (B) differentially methylated genes obtained based on MetaDE screening.Figure 2. Heatmaps of (A) significant differentially expressed genes and (B) differentially methylated genes obtained based on MetaDE screening. Correlation analysis of expression levels and methylation levels of 265 genes in (A) TCGA and (B) the GSE62950 dataset. The horizontal axis represents the gene expression level, the vertical axis represents the gene methylation level, the oblique line represents the trend line synthesized by points, and the red font represents the correlation coefficient (CC) and the significant P value.Figure 3. Correlation analysis of expression levels and methylation levels of 265 genes in (A) TCGA and (B) the GSE62950 dataset. The horizontal axis represents the gene expression level, the vertical axis represents the gene methylation level, the oblique line represents the trend line synthesized by points, and the red font represents the correlation coefficient (CC) and the significant P value. Bidirectional hierarchical cluster heatmaps based on 16 gene expression and methylation levels. The first line under the cluster tree represents pathologic N information, and the change from light orange to deep orange represents N0 to N2. The second line represents the pathologic T information, and the change from light blue to dark blue represents T1 to T4. The third line represents pathologic stage information, and the change from light green to dark green represents stages I to IV. The fourth line represents new tumor information, and the blue and gold represent the samples without and with new tumor, respectively.Figure 4. Bidirectional hierarchical cluster heatmaps based on 16 gene expression and methylation levels. The first line under the cluster tree represents pathologic N information, and the change from light orange to deep orange represents N0 to N2. The second line represents the pathologic T information, and the change from light blue to dark blue represents T1 to T4. The third line represents pathologic stage information, and the change from light green to dark green represents stages I to IV. The fourth line represents new tumor information, and the blue and gold represent the samples without and with new tumor, respectively. (A) The Kaplan-Meier curves for the risk prediction model based on tumor marker genes and OS prognosis (left) and recurrence prognosis (right) in TCGA training set. (B) The Kaplan-Meier curves for the risk prediction model based on tumor marker genes and OS prognosis (left) and recurrence prognosis (right) in the GSE37745 validation set. (C) AUROC curves for the prognosis prediction model and OS prognosis and recurrence prognosis in TCGA training set and the GSE37745 verification set. (D) The Kaplan-Meier curves for the risk prediction model based on clinical factors and OS prognosis (left) and recurrence prognosis (right) in TCGA training set. (E) The Kaplan-Meier curves for the risk prediction model based on clinical factors and OS prognosis (left) and recurrence prognosis (right) in the GSE37745 validation set. (F) The AUROC curves for the prognosis prediction model and OS prognosis and recurrence prognosis in TCGA training set and the GSE37745 verification set. (G) The Kaplan-Meier curves for the risk prediction model based on tumor marker genes combined with clinical factors and OS prognosis (left) and recurrence prognosis (right) in TCGA training set. (H) The Kaplan-Meier curves for the risk prediction model based on tumor marker genes combined with clinical factors and OS prognosis (left) and recurrence prognosis (right) in the GSE37745 validation set. (I) The AUROC curves for the prognosis prediction model and OS prognosis and recurrence prognosis in TCGA training set and the GSE37745 verification set. The green and blue curves in (C, F, I) represent the AUROC curves for OS prognosis and recurrence prognosis in TCGA and the black and red curves represent the AUROC curves of OS prognosis and recurrence prognosis in the GSE37745 verification set.Figure 5. (A) The Kaplan-Meier curves for the risk prediction model based on tumor marker genes and OS prognosis (left) and recurrence prognosis (right) in TCGA training set. (B) The Kaplan-Meier curves for the risk prediction model based on tumor marker genes and OS prognosis (left) and recurrence prognosis (right) in the GSE37745 validation set. (C) AUROC curves for the prognosis prediction model and OS prognosis and recurrence prognosis in TCGA training set and the GSE37745 verification set. (D) The Kaplan-Meier curves for the risk prediction model based on clinical factors and OS prognosis (left) and recurrence prognosis (right) in TCGA training set. (E) The Kaplan-Meier curves for the risk prediction model based on clinical factors and OS prognosis (left) and recurrence prognosis (right) in the GSE37745 validation set. (F) The AUROC curves for the prognosis prediction model and OS prognosis and recurrence prognosis in TCGA training set and the GSE37745 verification set. (G) The Kaplan-Meier curves for the risk prediction model based on tumor marker genes combined with clinical factors and OS prognosis (left) and recurrence prognosis (right) in TCGA training set. (H) The Kaplan-Meier curves for the risk prediction model based on tumor marker genes combined with clinical factors and OS prognosis (left) and recurrence prognosis (right) in the GSE37745 validation set. (I) The AUROC curves for the prognosis prediction model and OS prognosis and recurrence prognosis in TCGA training set and the GSE37745 verification set. The green and blue curves in (C, F, I) represent the AUROC curves for OS prognosis and recurrence prognosis in TCGA and the black and red curves represent the AUROC curves of OS prognosis and recurrence prognosis in the GSE37745 verification set.


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Figure 1. MetaQC quality control charts of (A) 5 gene expression profiles and (B) 2 gene methylation profiles. The horizontal and vertical axes represent the first and second principal components in principal component analysis. The numbers represent the corresponding datasets.Figure 2. Heatmaps of (A) significant differentially expressed genes and (B) differentially methylated genes obtained based on MetaDE screening.Figure 3. Correlation analysis of expression levels and methylation levels of 265 genes in (A) TCGA and (B) the GSE62950 dataset. The horizontal axis represents the gene expression level, the vertical axis represents the gene methylation level, the oblique line represents the trend line synthesized by points, and the red font represents the correlation coefficient (CC) and the significant P value.Figure 4. Bidirectional hierarchical cluster heatmaps based on 16 gene expression and methylation levels. The first line under the cluster tree represents pathologic N information, and the change from light orange to deep orange represents N0 to N2. The second line represents the pathologic T information, and the change from light blue to dark blue represents T1 to T4. The third line represents pathologic stage information, and the change from light green to dark green represents stages I to IV. The fourth line represents new tumor information, and the blue and gold represent the samples without and with new tumor, respectively.Figure 5. (A) The Kaplan-Meier curves for the risk prediction model based on tumor marker genes and OS prognosis (left) and recurrence prognosis (right) in TCGA training set. (B) The Kaplan-Meier curves for the risk prediction model based on tumor marker genes and OS prognosis (left) and recurrence prognosis (right) in the GSE37745 validation set. (C) AUROC curves for the prognosis prediction model and OS prognosis and recurrence prognosis in TCGA training set and the GSE37745 verification set. (D) The Kaplan-Meier curves for the risk prediction model based on clinical factors and OS prognosis (left) and recurrence prognosis (right) in TCGA training set. (E) The Kaplan-Meier curves for the risk prediction model based on clinical factors and OS prognosis (left) and recurrence prognosis (right) in the GSE37745 validation set. (F) The AUROC curves for the prognosis prediction model and OS prognosis and recurrence prognosis in TCGA training set and the GSE37745 verification set. (G) The Kaplan-Meier curves for the risk prediction model based on tumor marker genes combined with clinical factors and OS prognosis (left) and recurrence prognosis (right) in TCGA training set. (H) The Kaplan-Meier curves for the risk prediction model based on tumor marker genes combined with clinical factors and OS prognosis (left) and recurrence prognosis (right) in the GSE37745 validation set. (I) The AUROC curves for the prognosis prediction model and OS prognosis and recurrence prognosis in TCGA training set and the GSE37745 verification set. The green and blue curves in (C, F, I) represent the AUROC curves for OS prognosis and recurrence prognosis in TCGA and the black and red curves represent the AUROC curves of OS prognosis and recurrence prognosis in the GSE37745 verification set.

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