01 July 2024: Editorial
Editorial: The Global Threats of Increasing Antimicrobial Resistance Require New Approaches to Drug Development, Including Molecular Antimicrobial Adjuvants
Dinah V. Parums1A*DOI: 10.12659/MSM.945583
Med Sci Monit 2024; 30:e945583
ABSTRACT: Antimicrobial resistance and the associated morbidity and mortality from untreatable common infectious organisms is an increasing threat to global public health. In 2019, the Antimicrobial Resistance Collaborators identified that antimicrobial resistance was directly responsible for up to 1.27 million deaths worldwide and was associated with up to 4.95 million deaths, with low-income and middle-income countries being the most severely affected. In 2019, before the COVID-19 pandemic began, they predicted that antimicrobial resistance could result in 10 million deaths per year by 2050, overtaking cancer as a leading cause of death worldwide. Therefore, there is an urgent need for new approaches to antimicrobial treatment. In June 2024, the findings from researchers at the Ineos Oxford Institute for Antimicrobial Research (IOI) and the Oxford University Department of Pharmacology in the UK reported the use of a small molecule that can work alongside antibiotics to suppress the development of antimicrobial resistance in bacteria. The SOS inhibitor molecule has been called OXF-077. This editorial aims to highlight the global threats from increasing antimicrobial resistance and the urgent need for new molecules that function through novel mechanisms of action, including molecular antimicrobial adjuvants.
Keywords: Editorial, Infection Control, Antimicrobial resistance, Molecular Adjuvant, Infection Control
In the past five years, while attention has focused on the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences, antimicrobial resistance and the associated morbidity and mortality from untreatable common infectious organisms is an increasing threat to global public health [1,2]. Antimicrobial resistance impacts the prevention and treatment of infections caused by a growing range of bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi [3]. Due to media attention and focused public health alerts, there has been awareness of the rates of tuberculosis (TB) and multidrug-resistant TB (MDR TB) have recently increased, and new drug treatment combinations and molecular therapeutic approaches are in development [4,5].
In 2019, the Antimicrobial Resistance Collaborators published a study in the
Annually, each November since 2016, the United Nations (UN) General Assembly has organized a week of meetings to promote awareness of the threats posed by antimicrobial resistance to human health, agriculture, and animal health [7]. At the November 2023 meeting, the UN also highlighted the increased loss of animal lives due to untreatable infections and identified that by the year 2050, livestock production could decline by up to 11% due to untreatable microbial infections [7]. The UN has also highlighted the economic effects, which are expected to result in a drop in GDP of at least $3.4 trillion each year by 2030, pushing 24 million more people into extreme poverty [7]. The UN General Assembly will meet again in September 2024 to consider antimicrobial resistance as part of a triple planetary crisis that also includes climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution, and the effects of extreme weather conditions [7]. On 9 May 2024, the World Bank, based in Washington, DC, published a framework for action to address antimicrobial resistance, which it highlighted as a global health and economic threat [8]. The World Bank has also clearly stated an intention to support governments with a World Bank Framework for Action to design interventions focusing on low-income and middle-income countries with 20 intervention areas across the health, water, and agriculture sectors [8].
There are several mechanisms for the development of antimicrobial resistance [9]. Because bacteria replicate rapidly, as part of our co-evolution, they develop mutations that give them a survival advantage in an environment of high antimicrobial use [9]. This situation is more likely to occur when antibiotic treatment is not completed, infection is not eradicated, or antibiotics are inappropriately used [9]. Also, antimicrobial resistance can be spread through the environment, including in the air, food, and drinking water, which may be contaminated by infected patients [9].
Many physical and chemical agents can damage the DNA of cells and microbes, including ultraviolet (UV) light, ionizing radiation, chemical alkylating and oxidizing agents, and cellular byproducts, such as reactive oxygen species (ROS) [10]. In 1974, Miroslav Radman introduced the term the SOS response for the induction of multiple proteins that promote the integrity of DNA and factors that allow for survival and replication even when DNA damage is present [11]. The SOS response repairs damaged DNA in bacteria and increases the rate of genetic mutations, which can accelerate the development of antibiotic resistance [10,11]. Because the SOS response is associated with increased mutagenesis, under normal physiological conditions, it requires complex regulation [10]. A potential molecular approach to controlling antibiotic resistance could be to develop an inhibitor of the mutagenic SOS response [10].
In June 2024, the findings of a study from researchers at the Ineos Oxford Institute for Antimicrobial Research (IOI) and the Oxford University Department of Pharmacology in the UK reported the use of a small molecule that can work alongside antibiotics to suppress the development of antimicrobial resistance in bacteria [12]. The authors studied a series of molecules previously reported to increase the sensitivity of methicillin-resistant
New antibiotics that have reached the market in an attempt to overcome antibiotic resistance have been compromised by the rapid emergence of resistant strains or by the selection of bacteria that harbor resistance to related antibiotics [13]. As a result, the pipeline of new antibiotics in clinical development has reached a point of last resort [3,13,14]. Therefore, developing new antimicrobial agents with novel mechanisms of action should also include compounds that can be partnered with existing antibiotics to block resistance mechanisms and enhance efficacy, such as beta-lactamase inhibitors [13]. Currently, an emerging target for developing adjuvants to antibiotics is the bacterial DNA-repair and SOS-response pathways [10,12]. This novel approach may control the upregulation of hypermutation, persistence of resistance, horizontal gene transfer, and bacterial [10,12].
Antimicrobial resistance should be recognized as a growing threat to global health and has the potential to cause even routine medical and surgical procedures too dangerous to be undertaken [15]. Realizing the severity, extent, and consequences of antimicrobial resistance supports the urgent need for new molecules that function through novel mechanisms of action [15]. Therefore, the rapid development of new antibiotics and antimicrobials, with new approaches that target infectious organisms at the molecular level, is urgently required [14,16]. The bacterial DNA repair and SOS-response pathways promote the survival of pathogens in human infections and activate hypermutation and resistance mechanisms [12,15]. Therefore, the bacterial DNA repair and SOS-response pathways are potential targets for new therapeutics [12,15]. Small molecules such as OXF-077 that are under investigation await future clinical development.
The relentless increase in antimicrobial resistance threatens global health, potentially making even routine medical and surgical procedures too dangerous. Realizing the severity, extent, and consequences of antimicrobial resistance supports the urgent need for new molecules that function through novel mechanisms of action, including molecular antimicrobial adjuvants that prevent the development of antimicrobial resistance.
1. Haldar J, Confronting the rising threat of antimicrobial resistance: A global health imperative: ACS Infect Dis, 2024; 10(1); 1-2
2. Hassoun-Kheir N, Guedes M, Ngo Nsoga MT, A systematic review on the excess health risk of antibiotic-resistant bloodstream infections for six key pathogens in Europe: Clin Microbiol Infect, 2024; 30(Suppl 1); S14-S25
3. World Health Organization (WHO): Charting a new path forward for global action against antimicrobial resistance May 31, 2024 Available from: https://www.who.int/news-room/events/detail/2024/05/31/default-calendar/charting-a-new-path-forward-for-global-action-against-antimicrobial-resistance
4. Mirzayev F, Viney K, Linh NN, World Health Organization recommendations on the treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis, 2020 update: Eur Respir J, 2021; b57(6); 2003300
5. Parums DV, Editorial: Updates from the World Health Organization (WHO) on global treatment recommendations for drug-susceptible and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis: Med Sci Monit, 2021; 27; e934292
6. Antimicrobial Resistance Collaborators, Global burden of bacterial antimicrobial resistance in 2019: A systematic analysis: Lancet, 2022; 399(10325); 629-55
7. United Nations (UN) Foundation: Charting the course for The AMR agenda in 2024 Nov 28, 2023 Available from: https://unfoundation.org/what-we-do/issues/global-health/global-health-resource-center/the-amr-agenda-in-2024/
8. Rupasinghe N, Machalaba C, Muthee T, Mazimba A: Stopping the grand pandemic: A framework for action – addressing antimicrobial resistance through World Bank operations, 2024, Washington, DC, World Bank Available from: http://hdl.handle.net/10986/41533
9. Huemer M, Mairpady Shambat S, Brugger SD, Zinkernagel AS, Antibiotic resistance and persistence – implications for human health and treatment perspectives: EMBO Rep, 2020; 21(12); e51034
10. Maslowska KH, Makiela-Dzbenska K, Fijalkowska IJ, The SOS system: A complex and tightly regulated response to DNA damage: Environ Mol Mutagen, 2019; 60(4); 368-84
11. Radman M: Mol Environ Asp Mutagen, 1974; 128-42, Springfield, IL, Charles C Thomas Publisher
12. Bradbury JD, Hodgkinson T, Thomas AM, Development of an inhibitor of the mutagenic SOS response that suppresses the evolution of quinolone antibiotic resistance: Chem Sci, 2024, doi: 10.1039/d4sc00995a Available from: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2024/sc/d4sc00995a
13. Allel K, Day L, Hamilton A, Global antimicrobial-resistance drivers: An ecological country-level study at the human-animal interface: Lancet Planet Health, 2023(4); e291-e303
14. World Health Organization (WHO): Antibacterial agents in clinical and preclinical development: An overview and analysis June 14, 2023 Available from: https://iris.who.int/bitstream/handle/10665/376944/9789240094000-eng.pdf
15. Pahil KS, Gilman MSA, Baidin V, A new antibiotic traps lipopolysaccharide in its intermembrane transporter: Nature, 2024; 625(7995); 572-77
16. Walsh TR, Gales AC, Laxminarayan R, Dodd PC, Antimicrobial resistance: Addressing a global threat to humanity: PLoS Med, 2023; 20(7); e1004264
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